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Fingerprints Of The Gods: The International Bestseller From the Creator of Netflix’s ‘Ancient Apocalypse’.

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If we could establish what destroyed that civilization, then we might be in a better position to save ourselves from a similar cataclysmic fate. Isn’t this precisely what one would expect of buildings not erected by any historical pharaoh but dating back to prehistoric times? that the three principal pyramids are indeed laid out in relation to the Nile Valley to mimic the precise dispositions of the three stars of Orion’s Belt in relation to the course of the Milky Way in 1O,450 BC. Curious indeed, and well worth investigating further; something Naville hoped to do the following season.

A few years previously Ed had worked on the reservation for a while, and it was thanks to his contacts that we were now here. But out of the many counter-argument articles from archaeologists that I’ve read so far – even the most credible ones like Flint Dibble from Cardiff University – none of them have convincingly debunk him. The decoration was added by Seti I, who in that way laid claim to the building, but seeing how often a Pharaoh claimed the work of his predecessors by putting his name on it, this fact does not carry much weight.e. WE LIVED WHEN THE VERNAL EQUINOX WAS IN PISCES), but would need to decide from other clues which Age of Pisces we had lived in: the most recent, or the one in the previous precessional cycle, or perhaps even the cycle before that. Another notable and outstandingly unusual feature of the Osireion was that it was not even approximately aligned to the cardinal points.

I am beginning to suspect that the human race may have placed itself in grave jeopardy by failing to consider the implications of these mysteries. This exercise was assisted by the absence of the original roof which made it easier to envisage the whole edifice in plan. The Guardian, London, 21 December 1991: A fleet of 5000-year-old royal ships has been found buried eight miles from the Nile.He is an extremely successful investigative journalist, having been Editor of Conde Nast's Traveller magazine and East Africa Correspondent for the Economist. Looking down in this manner, it was immediately apparent that the plinth formed a rectangular island, surrounded on all four sides by a water-filled moat about 10 feet wide.

From the mysterious sites of Tiahuanaco and Teotihuacan, to the enduring enigmatic Sphinx and pyramids of Egypt, the grandiose Nazca lines of Peru to the stark primal beauty of the Osireion at Abydos, this is a journey both around the globe and into the heart of the true prehistoric origins of man. The only facts are that certain inscriptions and decorations left by Seti appear in an otherwise completely anonymous structure.Our children will be aware of this too, without experiencing it directly, and they will pass it on to their children. Members of the scholarly and scientific community have described the proposals put forward in the book as pseudoscience and pseudoarchaeology. In particular, references to human experiences prior to the invention of writing around 5000 years ago have been omitted in their entirety and myth has become a synonym for delusion. Suppose that the disaster, like ‘the Day of the Lord’ in 2 Peter 3, crept up on us unseen ‘as a thief in the night? To get a proper understanding of the structure of the Osireion, I found it helpful to raise myself directly above it in my mind’s eye, so that I could look down on it.

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